| Market Campaigns, Toxic-Free Products | Tags: , , , , , ,

Over the past few months, we tested 20 popular beverages packaged in plastic bottles and found a cancer-causing plastic chemical in every, single bottle.

In the beverages we tested, including Pepsi and Coca-Cola brands, we found unsafe levels of a highly toxic chemical used to make plastic bottles for carbonated soft drinks, juices, energy drinks, and bottled water. 

But the problem doesn’t stop there! This chemical additive, known as antimony (which is known to be toxic to the liver and heart), is used to speed the final reaction to make PET plastic for bottles and other packaging, AND polyester for clothing and stuffed animals for example. 

The bigger problem? This all contributes to petrochemical plastic pollution! 

We wrote this report to call attention to the fact that petrochemical plastics are unsafe, unjust, and unsustainable due to their lifecycle impacts. 

The test results are included in a new report entitled “Problem Plastic: How Polyester and PET Plastic Can be Unsafe, Unjust, and Unstainable Materials.” The report finds that:

  • Hundreds of chemicals used to make these plastics pose hidden health hazards;
  • Young children and people of color face the greatest harm from chemicals in plastic;
  • More than 99% of PET and polyester is made from non-renewable fossil gas and oil.

So not only are we calling on major brands to end their use of toxic plastics, we are also calling on government and corporations to prevent petrochemical plastic pollution! 

Check out our report page here to learn more.

About Taylor Moore

Avatar photoAs the Senior Director of Communications, Taylor leads both state and national level strategic communications efforts for Defend Our Health. She focuses on the advancement of strategic issue campaigns and lifts up grassroots voices to address the root causes of environmental injustice and harm to human health and the planet from toxic chemicals and plastic pollution.