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At our sell-out event last night . . .

Dr. Sandra Steingraber reminded us there are times in history when defending our environment and public health is so critical that someone like the belated, heroic government scientist Rachel Carson speaks out. She risked her own well-being to do so. 

We are living through one of those times now—a time when the Trump administration even just this week went so far as to kick out journalists from an EPA meeting about contaminated drinking water. 

Perhaps Carson, who had a distinguished career as a government scientist but whose environmental advocacy brought unfounded attacks by the chemical and agriculture industries, can be an inspiration in perseverance for government scientists today whose recommendations are being rejected by Trump administration appointees who have come from careers lobbying for the chemical and oil industries. 

As Dr. Steingraber reminded us, science should serve the public. That’s why we fight hard for science-based solutions, to help protect you, your family, and our country from dangerous toxic chemicals.

Dr. Steingraber’s inspiring talk left us feeling more energized than ever, with an important take-away: science-based environmental activism needs time, funding, and you.

Dr. Steingraber said it’s organizations like the Strategy Center that are taking up the torch when the government refuses to protect the public from dangerous chemicals and environmental pollutants. 

Now is one of those moments in history when your commitment to science, facts, and public health is essential—for you, and for the next generation. For your children and for your grandchildren. 

Inspired? Please pay tribute to Carson, Steingraber, and today’s hard-working government scientists by making a gift to our work. A friend of the Strategy Center—a research scientist—will match gifts made by May 31, dollar for dollar!

Thank you, so much, for your support.

About Nika Beauchamp

Nika BeauchampNika joined us in June 2017 and brought with her nearly a decade of experience as a writer and journalist focusing on environmental justice. As Communications Director, she oversaw the organization's communications – advancing program goals, fund development, and organizational mission through all messages, materials, and communications.