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We’re suing the Trump EPA. It’s time to hold the agency to the letter of the law and ensure it fulfills its mandate to protect the public.

Will you help us pay for our added staff time and research?

You helped win the desperately needed landmark legislation that Congress approved last year. It strengthens federal regulation of toxic chemicals, to make Americans safer.

President Obama signed the historic law. But it was left to the Trump Administration to finalize the rules for how the EPA would evaluate toxic chemicals that can be found in food, drinking water, products, building materials, and workplaces.

Now the Trump EPA is trying to turn back the clock: its final chemical safety rules are dramatically weaker than the rules proposed.

If the EPA doesn’t conduct a complete evaluation of dangerous chemicals–as is now required by law–it can’t protect you. Or your children. Or young men and women who want to have children.

We can’t let the weakened rules go unchallenged. That’s why we’ve joined two lawsuits, represented by Earthjustice, a nonprofit environmental law organization.

Will you donate today, to help us defend the chemical safety reform that took years to win? 

You can help us win this critical legal battle. Don’t let the Trump Administration take America backwards.  

Thank you.

About Nika Beauchamp

Nika BeauchampNika joined us in June 2017 and brought with her nearly a decade of experience as a writer and journalist focusing on environmental justice. As Communications Director, she oversaw the organization's communications – advancing program goals, fund development, and organizational mission through all messages, materials, and communications.