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The current leadership of the EPA is trying to censor science. They’d like to ignore thousands of rigorous, peer-reviewed health studies, making it harder for EPA staff to protect us from toxic chemicals—and easier for the Trump administration to roll back regulations.

Will you join us in telling the EPA not to censor science? If enough people speak out, we can stop this plan.

Every day we’re learning more and more about how many toxic chemicals our families are exposed to. Now is not the time for all that science to be thrown out so that the chemical industry gets a free pass.

At the urging of polluting industries, the current EPA leadership has proposed a new rule to solve an imaginary problem—something they call “secret science.” They paint a bleak picture of scientists gathering data “behind closed doors” and say that to “strengthen transparency” the EPA should only use research if the public can see every last piece of underlying data.

But here’s the reality: many important health studies rely on personal data, such as individual medical records, that can’t be made public—ethically or legally. Under this plan, EPA staff could be forced to throw those studies out.

And the more science that Trump appointees can ignore, the harder it will be for EPA staff to take action to protect us all from toxic chemicals in our air, food, water and household products.

The only thing that is “transparent” about this proposal is its transparent effort to protect the Trump administration’s chemical industry allies and other polluters—and we need your help to stop him.

Please help us flood the EPA with signatures against this disastrous plan.  

Thanks for your support!

About Nika Beauchamp

Nika BeauchampNika joined us in June 2017 and brought with her nearly a decade of experience as a writer and journalist focusing on environmental justice. As Communications Director, she oversaw the organization's communications – advancing program goals, fund development, and organizational mission through all messages, materials, and communications.