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We are delighted to announce the winners of our 2017 environmental health leadership awards! Please click through the links to read our award winners’ stories—and feel free to give a gift in tribute to their work.

Michael Herz, PhD, is receiving the Frank Hatch Environmental Health Leadership Award for his lifetime of achievement in environmental advocacy and his leadership of environmental health organizations nationwide.

Sydney Sewall, MD, MPH, is receiving the Bettie Kettell Award for Medical-Professional Leadership, for his work to protect children’s health by advocating for Maine’s first-in-the-nation ban of toxic flame retardants.

Gail Carlson, PhD, is receiving our Science Champion Award, for exemplifying what it means to put science into action and inform our campaigns for safe drinking water and a ban on toxic flame retardants. 

Wendy Brennan and Joanie Hill are receiving our Grassroots Leadership Award, for their inspiring advocacy for safe drinking water, on behalf of fellow parents and kids living in rural Maine.

Linda Baker and Therese Flaherty are receiving our Grassroots Leadership Award, for their tireless advocacy for a ban on toxic flame retardants, on behalf of firefighters’ families like theirs.

Rep. Walter A. Kumiega III, D-Deer Isle, Rep. Jeff Pierce, R-Dresden, and Rep. Ralph Tucker, D-Brunswick, are receiving our Legislative Leadership Award for their staunch leadership on phasing out toxic flame retardants.

Sen. Joyce A. Maker, R-Washington, is receiving the Legislative Leadership Award for her dedicated leadership on expanding well-water treatment for safe drinking water in rural Maine.

Please join us in honoring these inspiring leaders for environmental health!

About Nika Beauchamp

Nika BeauchampNika joined us in June 2017 and brought with her nearly a decade of experience as a writer and journalist focusing on environmental justice. As Communications Director, she oversaw the organization's communications – advancing program goals, fund development, and organizational mission through all messages, materials, and communications.