Testify for Safe Drinking Water
January 21, 2020 | Safe Water | Tags: Arsenic, Drinking Water

Did you know that over half of Mainers rely on a well for their drinking water—and one out of six wells contains harmful levels of arsenic?
If you agree that all Mainers deserve safe water to drink, please join us at a public hearing in Augusta on Monday, January 27, and testify about why you want lawmakers to pass new legislation to establish a stronger drinking water standard for arsenic as well as provide free well water testing for low-income families.
Please write to me at scahueque@ourhealthyfuture.org if you’d like to take part in the hearing.
WHAT: Public hearing on LD 1943, which will better protect the health of Maine children by requiring the state to update the maximum contaminant level (MCL) for arsenic in well water as well as provide free well water testing to low-income families.
WHEN: 10am, Monday, January 27
WHERE: Room 209, Cross Building, Augusta
Prolonged arsenic exposure is linked to bladder and kidney cancers, and hurts the brain development of infants and young children. No one should be drinking arsenic in their water.
I’ll have talking points and background info available, to help you prepare your testimony. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
Sergio Cahueque
P.S. If you can’t be at the January 27 hearing in person but you’d like to testify in support of this new bill, please let me know—I’m glad to help you prepare written testimony to submit to the committee.