Farewell to Foam Act
March 12, 2025 | Legislative Campaigns, Toxic-Free Products | Tags: Defend Our Health, human health, Maine, petrochemical plastics, plastic
Defend Our Health has joined forces with dozens of organizations supporting the Farewell to Foam Act. This national legislation was introduced by U.S. Representative Llyod Doggett (D-Texas) and U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Maryland). The Act would phase out polystyrene single-use food service products, loose fill (such as packing peanuts), and non-medical disposable coolers. It would prohibit the sale of these products beginning in 2028 and assist with the transition to safer alternatives.
Expanded polystyrene (EPS, commonly referred to as “plastic foam”) is a petrochemical plastic made from oil and gas. The material is dangerously toxic from inception, and like all other petrochemical plastics, it breaks into smaller and smaller particles but never goes away. Styrene–a building block for polystyrene–is hazardous to human health. The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies styrene as a human carcinogen. Additionally, styrene can negatively impact the nervous system. Expanded polystyrene also relies on using several other dangerous petrochemicals as building blocks, including benzene, ethylbenzene, and ethylene. Styrene, benzene, and ethylbenzene can all be released into the air during production, polluting nearby communities with carcinogens.
Once single-use plastics like EPS are used and discarded, they begin to degrade in our environment, producing microplastics and eventually nanoplastics. The tiniest particles are even found in our bodies and the air we breathe, continuing to pollute us and putting our health at risk.
Similar legislation is being considered or has already been passed in Maine and other states. In Maine, we are supporting LD 476, “An Act to Ban the Sale of Polystyrene Packing Peanuts in the State.” Last week, Sarah Woodbury, our VP of Policy and Advocacy, testified to the Maine state legislature in support of the bill. She described the health risks that polystyrene can have on humans and animals and explained to the legislature that recycling is not a solution for this and other types of plastics.
California, the District of Columbia, New Jersey, New York, and Oregon have passed bans on foam packing peanuts in their states. Maine would add to a growing awareness by states that this worst-of-the-worst plastic type can and should be replaced to protect human health and the health of the environment.
Now that this bill has been introduced, Congress must be convinced it is worth passing. Stay tuned for how individuals can engage with elected officials to turn this forward-thinking ban on one of the most toxic single-use plastics into reality.