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  • Defend’s Director of Research, OpEd in Civil Eats

    Defend’s Director of Research, OpEd in Civil Eats

    Defend’s Director of Research, Roopa Krithivasan, was featured last week in Civil Eats – a daily news source for critical thought about the American food…

  • 2022 Fall Brunch Celebration

    2022 Fall Brunch Celebration

    This Sunday, Defend Our Health hosted an in-person event ceremony at our 2022 Fall Brunch Celebration! Event attendees enjoyed an outdoor event at Broadturn Farm…

  • Defend’s Senior Market Campaigner, OpEd in Common Dreams

    Defend’s Senior Market Campaigner, OpEd in Common Dreams

    Last week the independent media outlet Common Dreams published a piece by Maya Rommwatt, our Senior Market Campaigner, highlighting the nefarious collusion between big oil…

  • PET Plastic Report

    PET Plastic Report

    Over the past few months, we tested 20 popular beverages packaged in plastic bottles and found a cancer-causing plastic chemical in every, single bottle. In the…