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Petrochemical Plastic Production is a Climate Wrecking Ball
The vast majority of plastic produced today is made from unsustainable fossil fuels. Big Oil has quietly shifted its attention to plastics production as a major market for its climate polluting products, continuing to destabilize our climate and societies.
The petrochemical industry has grown exponentially, and is on a rapid trajectory to becoming one of the biggest climate polluting industries on the planet. The current industry growth trajectory would put its 2050 global climate pollution share at 10-15%.
“The U.S. plastics industry is on track to surpass the coal industry in speeding climate change by 2030.”
Beyond Plastics: Plastic is the New Coal
In order to protect a stable climate that sustains life as we know it is imperative we immediately begin to dramatically scale back the production of petrochemical plastics. We cannot allow the oil and gas industry to continue their business as usual plans when our house is literally on fire.

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