It’s time to take action.

Defend Our Health believes all people have a right to safe food and drinking water, and products that are toxic-free and climate-friendly. We’re armed with a strategy to forge diverse coalitions, empower the grassroots, and drive marketplace change. We’re passing precedent-setting legislation at every level of government and impacting corporate chemical policy to protect public health. As a result, we’re preventing disability, disease, and early deaths, while improving the health of our communities and the climate. Your voice matters, take action today.

Current Campaigns

Tell Coca-Cola: Get rid of any toxic plastic bottles

We are challenging The Coca-Cola Company to put consumers first and move to secure commitments from its suppliers to end any use of toxic plastic additives that may be harmful to our health.

Will you sign the petition today and tell Coca-Cola execs to take action?

Tell Your Representative: Adopt the relief for farmers hit by PFAS Act

The Relief for Farmers Hit with PFAS Act would support impacted farmers through the short- and long- term economic impacts of discovering contamination including temporary income replacement for farmers thrown out of production, infrastructural investments to help farms pivot to safe production systems, medical monitoring for farmers, farm workers & family members who have been directly exposed to PFAS and options for relocation for severely impacted farms.

Will you tell the House Agriculture Committee to adopt the Relief for Farmers Hit by PFAS Act into the 2023 Farm Bill?